3 Home Remedies for Burns That Actually Work

Home remedies for burns can help reduce the pain and inflammation caused by burns. In some cases, the remedies can also promote healing.

While home burn remedies may offer certain benefits, it's important to remember that some types of burns require medical attention.

This article explains the difference between first-, second-, and third-degree burns and lists three natural burn remedies to consider.

Someone putting aloe vera on their hand to treat a burn
Anthony Rosenberg / Getty Images

Types of Burns

First- and second-degree burns are considered minor burns. Third-degree burns are considered major burns. When it comes to treating burns at home, the level of severity of the burn is of the utmost importance:

  • First-degree burns: Red and painful, first-degree burns tend to swell slightly and turn white when you apply pressure to the skin.
  • Second-degree burns: Typically producing blisters, second-degree burns are thicker, very painful, and may cause the skin to turn red, splotchy, and swollen.
  • Third-degree burns: A type of burn that damages all layers of the skin, third-degree burns leave the skin white or charred. Third-degree burns may also damage the underlying bones, muscles, and tendons and may be referred to as fourth-degree burns. Due to damage to the nerves and tissues, third-degree and fourth-degree burns may cause little or no pain. These types of burns require immediate medical attention.

If in Doubt, Reach Out

If you have a third-degree burn, or you're in doubt about the severity of your burn, contact a medical provider immediately.

Natural burn remedies are best suited for treating first- and second-degree burns. There are several home remedies to consider and studies suggest that aloe vera, honey, and calendula may aid in treating these burns.

Any of these remedies (especially honey) should not be applied to children with burns. Children who have any type of burn should be seen at urgent care or an emergency department.

Cool Water and Compresses

The first treatment for a minor burn is to cool the burn by immediately immersing the burn in cool tap water (not ice) or applying cold, wet compresses. Do this for 10 to 15 minutes or until the pain subsides.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has long been used to speed up the healing of first- and second-degree burns. In fact, one study found that people who used aloe vera on a burn healed faster than those who used another traditional remedy: petroleum jelly covered in gauze. However, this study is almost three decades old and hasn't been replicated.

To soothe pain and stave off blisters and scarring, apply aloe vera gel directly to the burn once or twice daily until it's fully healed. If you can't find such a gel at the store, you may find the plant (a succulent known as Aloe barbadensis) at a store or garden center. In this case, cut a leaf with a knife, squeeze out the transparent pulp, and apply it to the skin.

Chill Out With Aloe Vera

The cooling, soothing, and moisturizing abilities of aloe vera make it ideal for treating another type of skin discomfort, too: sunburn.


Several studies show that applying honey to burned skin may help promote healing and reduce inflammation. In fact, a review of laboratory and clinical studies has shown honey is effective in healing superficial and partial thickness burns compared to other dressing products, but slowed healing in third-degree burns. Most of the studies involved the use of raw, unprocessed honey covered by sterile gauze.

Honey has been shown to reduce pain and is thought to reduce the risk of infection and inflammation and therefore healing times. This may be because honey is acidic, so it may lower the pH of a burn, blunting bacterial growth. The sugar in honey may also dry up bacteria.

However, call your healthcare provider first and get the all-clear that your particular brand of honey will not irritate your skin; some brands could.

Another option? Skip the phone call and buy a jar of manuka honey. This expensive honey is so well-known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that it is used in manuka honey bandages.


A flower found to possess anti-inflammatory properties, calendula shows promise in the treatment of first- and second-degree burns.

It is often confused with the marigold, and both are indeed members of the sunflower (Asteraceae) family. The difference is that marigolds are members of the Tagetes genus while calendula belongs to the Calendula genus.

Calendula is often used in ointments, salves, and soaps as a soothing skin treatment. One study concluded calendula may have beneficial healing properties and be effective in accelerating the healing of second-degree burns by increasing tissue and blood vessel formation.

However, more research needs to be done before calendula is confirmed as an effective burn remedy.

Move Fast in an Emergency

Major burns need urgent medical attention to reduce the risk of scarring, disability, and deformity.

Over-the-Counter Remedies

Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) or naproxen (Aleve) may help with pain. Read the package label for dosage information.

Applying petroleum jelly to a first- or second-degree burn may help the healing process. Cover the burn with a sterile, non-stick bandage or gauze that can be held in place with tape or wrap. 

Avoid Sun Exposure

Once the burn heals, protect the area from the sun by staying in the shade, wearing protective clothing, or using a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to help minimize scarring.

Using Natural Remedies

Due to the limited research, it's too soon to recommend natural remedies as a bona fide treatment for burns. Some burns should be treated by medical professionals only. See a doctor immediately if you experience:

  • A burn on your face, over a major joint (such as a knee or shoulder), or on your hands, feet, or genitals
  • A burn that blisters
  • An electrical burn
  • A burn that shows signs of infection
  • A first- or second-degree burn that covers an area larger than 2 inches in diameter
  • A third-degree burn

Watch the Very Young and Old

Most people experience a skin burn at some point in their lifetime. Try to prevent burns in young children and older adults because they're more likely to occur in these age groups.

Burn Remedies to Avoid

There are also some burn remedies that are not recommended, such as:

  • Ice
  • Butter
  • Egg whites
  • Cortisone cream
  • Hand or body lotion
  • Oils, such as coconut oil, olive oil, or other cooking oils

These substances may irritate the burn (potentially making it worse) or cause the burn to get infected.


To the layman's eye, any type of burn may look serious. But it pays to know the difference between first-, second-, and third-degree burns. Recognizing third-degree burns is especially important because the long-term consequences of delaying treatment can be serious.

Short-term treatment choices include home remedies such as cool water, aloe vera, honey, calendula, and OTC medications. Evidence exists to support the use of each one. But before you reach for honey, call your healthcare provider. The ingredients in some processed honey may interfere with its healing properties.

11 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Burns and wounds.

  2. Rowan MP, Cancio LC, Elster EA, et al. Burn wound healing and treatment: review and advancementsCrit Care. 2015;19:243. doi:10.1186/s13054-015-0961-2.

  3. Medline Plus. Minor burns - aftercare.

  4. Visuthikosol V, Chowchuen B, Sukwanarat Y, Sriurairatana S, Boonpucknavig V. Effect of aloe vera gel to healing of burn wound a clinical and histologic study. J Med Assoc Thai. 1995 Aug;78(8):403-9. PMID: 7561562.

  5. NC State Extension. North Carolina Plant Toolbox. Aloe vera.

  6. Zbuchea A. Up-to-date use of honey for burns treatment. Ann Burns Fire Disasters. 2014 Mar 31;27(1):22-30. PMID: 25249844

  7. Science Focus. Can you use honey to treat a burn?

  8. Gardening Know How. Marigold vs. calendula–difference between marigolds and calendulas.

  9. Rezai S, Rahzani K, Hekmatpou D, Rostami A. Effect of oral Calendula officinalis on second-degree burn wound healing. Scars Burn Heal. 2023 Jan 4;9:20595131221134053. doi: 10.1177/20595131221134053

  10. American Academy of Dermatology Association. How to treat a first-degree, minor burn.

  11. American Academy of Family Physicians. Burn injuries: What you should know.

Additional Reading
Cathy Wong

By Cathy Wong
Cathy Wong is a nutritionist and wellness expert. Her work is regularly featured in media such as First For Women, Woman's World, and Natural Health.